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@short Lessons
- Beautiful Image, show a beautiful image with show LEDs
- Lucky 7, show a number on the LED screen with show number
- Answering Machine, show a text message with show string
- Game of Chance, show a text message with game over
- Smiley, smiley and frowney faces that transition on button pressed
- Magic Logo, show an image on logo up
- Snowflake Fall, repeat a series of images with forever
- Screen Wipe, turn off the LEDs with clear screen
- Flashing Heart, display images with a pause
- Blink, turn an LED on and off with plot
- Night Light, dim the LEDs with set brightness
- Game Counter, displays the player's score with score and add points to score
- Happy Birthday, create a popular song
- Magic 8, a fortune teller game with the BBC micro:bit
- Guess the Number, guess a random number with pick number
- Counter, display a number with a variable
- Love Meter, create a love meter with on pin pressed
- Rock Paper Scissors, create the classic game of rock paper scissors with if statement
- Truth or Dare, a game that forces each player to reveal a secret or do something funny with if statement
- Spinner, spin the arrow with multiple if statements
- Dice Roll, spin with more if statements
- Looper, display a series of numbers with a for loop index
- Strobe Light, develop shapes with a nested for loops
- Temperature, get the ambient temperature (degree Celsius °C)
- Digi Yoyo, create a counter with a while loop
- Rotation Animation, control an animation with a boolean variable
- Compass, displays the direction the BBC micro:bit is pointing with compass
- Zoomer, measure the force with acceleration
- Glowing Pendulum, construct a pendulum that glows using acceleration
- Classic Beatbox, make a beatbox music player with variables
- Light Beatbox, make a beatbox music player with light level
- Pogo, create a pogo game to test your jumping abilities
- Charting, measure and chart acceleration
- Seismograph, create a seismograph with household items
- Prank WiFi, create fake WiFi to trick your friends
- Speed Button, code a speed game with running time
- Headbands, create a charades game with a collection of strings that hold the words
- Hero, reconstruct the classic arcade game pac man with the BBC micro:bit
- Catch the Egg, catch falling eggs in a basket with an acceleration controller
@section full
The lessons promote computational thinking and computer science literacy.