2016-11-01 10:42:42 -07:00

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946 B

# Set Pull
Configure the electrical pull of the specified pin.
Many micro:bit pins can be configured as _pull-ups_. For example, a
pull-up can set a pin's voltage to high (3.3 volts, or `1` when
calling [digital read pin](/reference/pins/digital-read-pin)). If one
end of a button is connected to ``P0`` (set to high) and the other end
is connected to ``GND`` (0 volts), then when you press the button,
``P0`` is driven to 0 volts, and the micro:bit software can detect a
button press.
pins.setPull(DigitalPin.P9, PinPullMode.PullDown);
### Parameters
* ``name``: The micro:bit hardware pin to configure (``P0``-``P20``)
* ``pull``: The pull to which to set the pin (**down**, **up**, or **none**)
### Example
The following example sets the pull of pin ``P0`` to **up** (high).
pins.setPull(DigitalPin.P0, PinPullMode.PullUp);
### See also
[@boardname@ | mbed](https://developer.mbed.org/platforms/Microbit/)