2016-04-15 14:37:25 -07:00

856 B

glowing sword quiz answers

The answers for the glowing sword quiz.

This is the answer key for the glowing sword quiz.

1. What is "fade out" ?

Fade out is a method that gradually decreases the LED screen brightness until the LED lights are turned off.

2. Consider the following code

. . . . #
# . . # .
. # # . .
. # # . .
# . . # .

Rewrite the second line of code to decrease the speed of the fade out for the longest amount of time (Hint: 1000 milliseconds is longest amount of time for a fade out).

led->fade out(1000)

4. Consider the following code

. . . . #
# . . # .
. # # . .
. # # . .
# . . # .

What will cause the image to fade back in twice as fast as it faded out?

led->fade in(500)