2016-03-25 16:47:20 -07:00

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meteorite quiz answers

create the game meteorite #LED #number #math #acceleration #docs



This is the answer key for the meteorite quiz

1. Write the code that sets up the position variables of meteorite 1. (Hint: look inside the function "initialize game".)

meteorite_1X = Math.random(5)
meteorite_1Y = -4

2. Write the code that plots the initial position of the ship. (Hint: look inside the function "initialize game".)

led.plot(shipLeftX, 4)
led.plot(shipLeftX + 1, 4)

3. Write the code that will detect if a meteorite 1 collided with the ship. (Hint: look inside the function "move meteorite 1".

if (meteorite_1X == 4 && (shipLeftX == meteorite_1X || shipLeftX + 1 == meteorite_1X)) {

4. Write the code that increase the difficulty by making the game run faster.

pauseDifficulty = (pauseDifficulty * 49) / 50

5. Write the code that moves the ship left.

led.unplot(shipLeftX + 1, 4)
shipLeftX = shipLeftX - 1
led.plot(shipLeftX, 4)

6. Write the code that moves the ship right.

led.unplot(shipLeftX, 4)
shipLeftX = shipLeftX + 1
led.plot(shipLeftX + 1, 4)

7. Write the function that checks if moving the ship resulted in a collision with meteorite 1.

if (shipLeftX == meteorite_1X && meteorite_1Y == 4) {

8. Write the code that flashes all the LEDs thee times to create the effect of a crash. (Hint: look at the function "game over".)

for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {