2016-05-25 02:58:27 +01:00

1.8 KiB

Write Value To Serial

Writes the full data received data via radio to serial in JSON format.
Note - This method only works for send number and send value. It does not work for send string (although a string can be sent with send value).

Data received format

The format for received data printed to serial is as follows

  • send number - {v:ValueSent,t:MicrobitTimeAlive,s:Unused}
  • send value - {v:Value,t:MicrobitTimeAlive,s:Unused,n:"Name"}
  • send string - {} (currently unavailable)

Important Security Consideration

The functions in the radio namespace allow the BBC micro:bit to communicate with other micro:bits.

This API does not contain any form of encryption, authentication or authorization. It's purpose is solely for use as a teaching aid to demonstrate how simple communications operates, and to provide a sandpit through which learning can take place.

For serious applications, BLE should be considered a substantially more secure alternative.



  • None


When radio data is received (after pressing A button on 2nd micro:bit), output temperature data to serial.

input.onButtonPressed(Button.A, () => {
radio.onDataReceived(() => {

Example output to serial when A button pressed:

See also

send number, send value, on data received