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lucky 7 lesson
show a number on the LED screen.
@video td/videos/lucky-7-0
Show Number
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Year 7
Prior learning / place of lesson in scheme of work
Learn how to display a number, basic-> show number
to generate numbers. We will be learning how to create numbers using show number and pause.
- show number :
- pause :
- learn how to show a number on the LED screen, one digit at a time
- learn how to pause program execution for the specified number of milliseconds
Progression Pathways / Computational Thinking Framework
- Uses diagrams to express solutions.(AB)
- Designs solutions by decomposing a problem and creates a sub-solution for each of these parts. (DE) (AL) (AB)
- Understands that iteration is the repetition of a process such as a loop (AL)
- Recognises that different algorithms exist for the same problem (AL) (GE)
- Represents solutions using a structured notation (AL) (AB)
- Can identify similarities and differences in situations and can use these to solve problems (pattern recognition)(GE)
Programming & Development
- Creates programs that implement algorithms to achieve given goals (AL)
- Selects the appropriate data types(AL) (AB
Data & Data Representation
- Defines data types: real numbers and Boolean (AB)
Hardware & Processing
- Understands the difference between hardware and application software, and their roles within a computer system (AB)
Information Technology
- Collects, organizes, and presents data and information in digital content (AB)
- Makes appropriate improvements to solutions based on feedback received, and can comment on the success of the solution (EV)
- Recognises ethical issues surrounding the application of information technology beyond school.
Computational Thinking Concept: AB = Abstraction; DE = Decomposition; AL = Algorithmic Thinking; EV = Evaluation; GE = Generalisation
Extended Activity
- time: 20 min.
- challenges
- Extended Activity: challenges