brick.buttonEnter.onEvent(ButtonEvent.Pressed, function () {
## Step 2
Open the ``||motors:Motors||`` Toolbox drawer. Drag out a ``||motors:run||`` block onto the Workspace, and drop it into the ``||brick:on button||`` block.
brick.buttonEnter.onEvent(ButtonEvent.Pressed, function () {
## Step 3
Open the ``||logic:Logic||`` Toolbox drawer. Drag out an ``||logic:if then||`` block onto the Workspace, and drop it into the ``||loops:forever||`` block.
Open the ``||sensors:Sensors||`` Toolbox drawer. Drag out a ``||sensors:touch is pressed||`` block onto the Workspace, and drop it in the ``||logic:if then||`` block replacing ``true``.
Open the ``||music:Music||`` Toolbox drawer. Drag out a ``||music:play sound effect||`` block onto the Workspace, and drop it under the ``||logic:if then||`` block.
Open the ``||motors:Motors||`` Toolbox drawer. Drag out a ``||motors:stop||`` block onto the Workspace, and drop it in after the ``||music:play sound effect||`` block.
Now, let’s download our program to the brick. Plug your @boardname@ into the computer with the USB cable, and click the blue **Download** button in the bottom left of your screen. Follow the directions to save your program to the brick. Attach a Large motor to Port A, and a Touch sensor to Port 1 on your brick. Test your program by pressing the ENTER button. When the motor starts, press the touch sensor. Does the motor stop as expected?