**For teams participating in City Shaper challenge**, you can use MakeCode for your challenge (see [City Shaper Challenge, page 7 bottom](https://firstinspiresst01.blob.core.windows.net/fll/2020/city-shaper-game-guide-pdf.pdf)!
We’ve compiled a list of resources and information that we hope will be helpful for you.
If you found a bug, please try if it hasn't been fixed yet! Go to https://makecode.mindstorms.com/beta and try if the bug is corrected. Otherwise, please tell us at https://forum.makecode.com/.
* You will need to install the latest EV3 firmware on your brick. Instructions on how to do that are located here: https://makecode.mindstorms.com/troubleshoot.
* You will need a computer with a USB port to connect to the EV3 in order to download your programs.
* You will need internet access and a browser on your computer to get to https://makecode.mindstorms.com.
No, the editor is cached in your browser cache. However, you can also download the [offline app](/offline-app) in case you need to install it on a computer.
Click the **JavaScript** button at the top of the page to get to the JavaScript editor. Students can drag and drop code snippets from the Toolbox on the left, or type directly in the editor. You can switch back and forth between **Blocks** and **JavaScript** as you program.
Also, watch the [Text-based Coding](https://legoeducation.videomarketingplatform.co/v.ihtml/player.html?token=3513a83b87fe536b2dc512237465fd1b&source=embed&photo%5fid=35719471) video for more about coding using the JavaScript editor.
The Simulator will show the physical representation of your code blocks. For example, based on this code snippet, the Simulator will show the touch sensor on Port 1, and a large motor on Port D.
See the video [Block-based Coding and Simulation](https://legoeducation.videomarketingplatform.co/v.ihtml/player.html?token=629730c938e452f0fd7653fbc4708166&source=embed&photo%5fid=35719470) for more about using the simulator.
You can share your projects by clicking on the **share** button in the top left of the screen. This will create a URL which you can send others to open and view your project.
Sharing programs is also shown in the [Tips and Tricks](https://legoeducation.videomarketingplatform.co/v.ihtml/player.html?token=5c594c2373367f7870196f519f3bfc7a&source=embed&photo%5fid=35719472) video.
There's a bug in the firmware which prevents you from deleting the programs (``*.uf2`` files) from your EV3 Brick. There isn't a firmware update to fix this yet.