@ -2,36 +2,10 @@
/// <reference path="../node_modules/pxt-core/built/pxtsim.d.ts"/>
import { deployCoreAsync, initAsync } from "./deploy";
import { FieldPorts } from "./field_ports";
import { FieldMotors } from "./field_motors";
import { FieldSpeed } from "./field_speed";
import { FieldBrickButtons } from "./field_brickbuttons";
import { FieldTurnRatio } from "./field_turnratio";
import { FieldColorEnum } from "./field_color";
pxt.editor.initExtensionsAsync = function (opts: pxt.editor.ExtensionOptions): Promise<pxt.editor.ExtensionResult> {
pxt.debug('loading pxt-ev3 target extensions...')
const res: pxt.editor.ExtensionResult = {
fieldEditors: [{
selector: "ports",
editor: FieldPorts
}, {
selector: "motors",
editor: FieldMotors
}, {
selector: "speed",
editor: FieldSpeed
}, {
selector: "brickbuttons",
editor: FieldBrickButtons
}, {
selector: "turnratio",
editor: FieldTurnRatio
}, {
selector: "colorenum",
editor: FieldColorEnum
showUploadInstructionsAsync: (fn: string, url: string, confirmAsync: (options: any) => Promise<number>) => {
let resolve: (thenableOrResult?: void | PromiseLike<void>) => void;
@ -115,109 +89,6 @@ pxt.editor.initExtensionsAsync = function (opts: pxt.editor.ExtensionOptions): P
return Promise.resolve<pxt.editor.ExtensionResult>(res);
* Update the shape of Blockly blocks with square corners
function updateBlocklyShape() {
* Rounded corner radius.
* @const
(Blockly.BlockSvg as any).CORNER_RADIUS = 0 * (Blockly.BlockSvg as any).GRID_UNIT;
* Inner space between edge of statement input and notch.
* @const
(Blockly.BlockSvg as any).STATEMENT_INPUT_INNER_SPACE = 3 * (Blockly.BlockSvg as any).GRID_UNIT;
* SVG path for drawing next/previous notch from left to right.
* @const
(Blockly.BlockSvg as any).NOTCH_PATH_LEFT = (
'l 8,8 ' +
'h 16 ' +
'l 8,-8 '
* SVG path for drawing next/previous notch from right to left.
* @const
(Blockly.BlockSvg as any).NOTCH_PATH_RIGHT = (
'l -8,8 ' +
'h -16 ' +
'l -8,-8 '
* SVG start point for drawing the top-left corner.
* @const
(Blockly.BlockSvg as any).TOP_LEFT_CORNER_START =
'm 0,' + 0;
* SVG path for drawing the rounded top-left corner.
* @const
(Blockly.BlockSvg as any).TOP_LEFT_CORNER =
'l ' + (Blockly.BlockSvg as any).CORNER_RADIUS + ',0 ';
* SVG path for drawing the rounded top-right corner.
* @const
(Blockly.BlockSvg as any).TOP_RIGHT_CORNER =
'l ' + 0 + ',' + (Blockly.BlockSvg as any).CORNER_RADIUS;
* SVG path for drawing the rounded bottom-right corner.
* @const
(Blockly.BlockSvg as any).BOTTOM_RIGHT_CORNER =
'l 0,' + (Blockly.BlockSvg as any).CORNER_RADIUS;
* SVG path for drawing the rounded bottom-left corner.
* @const
(Blockly.BlockSvg as any).BOTTOM_LEFT_CORNER =
'l -' + (Blockly.BlockSvg as any).CORNER_RADIUS + ',0';
* SVG path for drawing the top-left corner of a statement input.
* @const
(Blockly.BlockSvg as any).INNER_TOP_LEFT_CORNER =
'l ' + (Blockly.BlockSvg as any).CORNER_RADIUS + ',-' + 0;
* SVG path for drawing the bottom-left corner of a statement input.
* Includes the rounded inside corner.
* @const
(Blockly.BlockSvg as any).INNER_BOTTOM_LEFT_CORNER =
'l ' + 0 + ',' + (Blockly.BlockSvg as any).CORNER_RADIUS * 2 +
'l ' + (Blockly.BlockSvg as any).CORNER_RADIUS + ',' + 0;
* Corner radius of the flyout background.
* @type {number}
* @const
(Blockly as any).Flyout.prototype.CORNER_RADIUS = 0;
* Margin around the edges of the blocks in the flyout.
* @type {number}
* @const
(Blockly as any).Flyout.prototype.MARGIN = 8;
// When require()d from node, bind the global pxt namespace
// namespace pxt {
// export const dummyExport = 1;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
/// <reference path="../node_modules/pxt-core/built/pxteditor.d.ts"/>
/// <reference path="../node_modules/pxt-core/built/pxtsim.d.ts"/>
import { FieldPorts } from "./field_ports";
import { FieldMotors } from "./field_motors";
import { FieldSpeed } from "./field_speed";
import { FieldBrickButtons } from "./field_brickbuttons";
import { FieldTurnRatio } from "./field_turnratio";
import { FieldColorEnum } from "./field_color";
pxt.editor.initFieldExtensionsAsync = function (opts: pxt.editor.FieldExtensionOptions): Promise<pxt.editor.FieldExtensionResult> {
pxt.debug('loading pxt-ev3 target extensions...')
const res: pxt.editor.FieldExtensionResult = {
fieldEditors: [{
selector: "ports",
editor: FieldPorts
}, {
selector: "motors",
editor: FieldMotors
}, {
selector: "speed",
editor: FieldSpeed
}, {
selector: "brickbuttons",
editor: FieldBrickButtons
}, {
selector: "turnratio",
editor: FieldTurnRatio
}, {
selector: "colorenum",
editor: FieldColorEnum
return Promise.resolve<pxt.editor.FieldExtensionResult>(res);
* Update the shape of Blockly blocks with square corners
function updateBlocklyShape() {
* Rounded corner radius.
* @const
(Blockly.BlockSvg as any).CORNER_RADIUS = 0 * (Blockly.BlockSvg as any).GRID_UNIT;
* Inner space between edge of statement input and notch.
* @const
(Blockly.BlockSvg as any).STATEMENT_INPUT_INNER_SPACE = 3 * (Blockly.BlockSvg as any).GRID_UNIT;
* SVG path for drawing next/previous notch from left to right.
* @const
(Blockly.BlockSvg as any).NOTCH_PATH_LEFT = (
'l 8,8 ' +
'h 16 ' +
'l 8,-8 '
* SVG path for drawing next/previous notch from right to left.
* @const
(Blockly.BlockSvg as any).NOTCH_PATH_RIGHT = (
'l -8,8 ' +
'h -16 ' +
'l -8,-8 '
* SVG start point for drawing the top-left corner.
* @const
(Blockly.BlockSvg as any).TOP_LEFT_CORNER_START =
'm 0,' + 0;
* SVG path for drawing the rounded top-left corner.
* @const
(Blockly.BlockSvg as any).TOP_LEFT_CORNER =
'l ' + (Blockly.BlockSvg as any).CORNER_RADIUS + ',0 ';
* SVG path for drawing the rounded top-right corner.
* @const
(Blockly.BlockSvg as any).TOP_RIGHT_CORNER =
'l ' + 0 + ',' + (Blockly.BlockSvg as any).CORNER_RADIUS;
* SVG path for drawing the rounded bottom-right corner.
* @const
(Blockly.BlockSvg as any).BOTTOM_RIGHT_CORNER =
'l 0,' + (Blockly.BlockSvg as any).CORNER_RADIUS;
* SVG path for drawing the rounded bottom-left corner.
* @const
(Blockly.BlockSvg as any).BOTTOM_LEFT_CORNER =
'l -' + (Blockly.BlockSvg as any).CORNER_RADIUS + ',0';
* SVG path for drawing the top-left corner of a statement input.
* @const
(Blockly.BlockSvg as any).INNER_TOP_LEFT_CORNER =
'l ' + (Blockly.BlockSvg as any).CORNER_RADIUS + ',-' + 0;
* SVG path for drawing the bottom-left corner of a statement input.
* Includes the rounded inside corner.
* @const
(Blockly.BlockSvg as any).INNER_BOTTOM_LEFT_CORNER =
'l ' + 0 + ',' + (Blockly.BlockSvg as any).CORNER_RADIUS * 2 +
'l ' + (Blockly.BlockSvg as any).CORNER_RADIUS + ',' + 0;
* Corner radius of the flyout background.
* @type {number}
* @const
(Blockly as any).Flyout.prototype.CORNER_RADIUS = 0;
* Margin around the edges of the blocks in the flyout.
* @type {number}
* @const
(Blockly as any).Flyout.prototype.MARGIN = 8;
// When require()d from node, bind the global pxt namespace
// namespace pxt {
// export const dummyExport = 1;
// }
// eval("if (typeof process === 'object' && process + '' === '[object process]') pxt = global.pxt")
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ export class FieldMotors extends Blockly.FieldDropdown implements Blockly.FieldC
this.itemWidth_ = 75;
this.backgroundColour_ = pxtblockly.parseColour(options.colour);
this.itemColour_ = "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.6)";
this.borderColour_ = Blockly.PXTUtils.fadeColour(this.backgroundColour_, 0.4, false);
this.borderColour_ = pxt.toolbox.fadeColor(this.backgroundColour_, 0.4, false);
init() {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
"compilerOptions": {
"target": "es5",
"noImplicitAny": false,
"noImplicitReturns": true,
"module": "commonjs",
"outDir": "../built/fieldeditors",
"rootDir": ".",
"newLine": "LF",
"sourceMap": false,
"allowSyntheticDefaultImports": true,
"declaration": true
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,285 @@
namespace pxt.editor {
import HF2 = pxt.HF2
import U = pxt.U
function log(msg: string) {
pxt.log("EWRAP: " + msg)
export interface DirEntry {
name: string;
md5?: string;
size?: number;
const runTemplate = "C00882010084XX0060640301606400"
const usbMagic = 0x3d3f
export class Ev3Wrapper {
msgs = new U.PromiseBuffer<Uint8Array>()
private cmdSeq = U.randomUint32() & 0xffff;
private lock = new U.PromiseQueue();
isStreaming = false;
dataDump = false;
constructor(public io: pxt.HF2.PacketIO) {
io.onData = buf => {
buf = buf.slice(0, HF2.read16(buf, 0) + 2)
if (HF2.read16(buf, 4) == usbMagic) {
let code = HF2.read16(buf, 6)
let payload = buf.slice(8)
if (code == 1) {
let str = U.uint8ArrayToString(payload)
if (Util.isNodeJS)
console.log("SERIAL: " + str.replace(/\n+$/, ""))
type: 'serial',
id: 'n/a', // TODO?
data: str
}, "*")
} else
console.log("Magic: " + code + ": " + U.toHex(payload))
if (this.dataDump)
log("RECV: " + U.toHex(buf))
private allocCore(addSize: number, replyType: number) {
let len = 5 + addSize
let buf = new Uint8Array(len)
HF2.write16(buf, 0, len - 2) // pktLen
HF2.write16(buf, 2, this.cmdSeq++) // msgCount
buf[4] = replyType
return buf
private allocSystem(addSize: number, cmd: number, replyType = 1) {
let buf = this.allocCore(addSize + 1, replyType)
buf[5] = cmd
return buf
private allocCustom(code: number, addSize = 0) {
let buf = this.allocCore(1 + 2 + addSize, 0)
HF2.write16(buf, 4, usbMagic)
HF2.write16(buf, 6, code)
return buf
stopAsync() {
return this.isVmAsync()
.then(vm => {
if (vm) return Promise.resolve();
log(`stopping PXT app`)
let buf = this.allocCustom(2)
return this.justSendAsync(buf)
.then(() => Promise.delay(500))
dmesgAsync() {
log(`asking for DMESG buffer over serial`)
let buf = this.allocCustom(3)
return this.justSendAsync(buf)
runAsync(path: string) {
let codeHex = runTemplate.replace("XX", U.toHex(U.stringToUint8Array(path)))
let code = U.fromHex(codeHex)
let pkt = this.allocCore(2 + code.length, 0)
HF2.write16(pkt, 5, 0x0800)
U.memcpy(pkt, 7, code)
log(`run ${path}`)
return this.justSendAsync(pkt)
justSendAsync(buf: Uint8Array) {
return this.lock.enqueue("talk", () => {
if (this.dataDump)
log("SEND: " + U.toHex(buf))
talkAsync(buf: Uint8Array, altResponse = 0) {
return this.lock.enqueue("talk", () => {
if (this.dataDump)
log("TALK: " + U.toHex(buf))
.then(() => this.msgs.shiftAsync(1000))
.then(resp => {
if (resp[2] != buf[2] || resp[3] != buf[3])
U.userError("msg count de-sync")
if (buf[4] == 1) {
if (altResponse != -1 && resp[5] != buf[5])
U.userError("cmd de-sync")
if (altResponse != -1 && resp[6] != 0 && resp[6] != altResponse)
U.userError("cmd error: " + resp[6])
return resp
flashAsync(path: string, file: Uint8Array) {
log(`write ${file.length} bytes to ${path}`)
let handle = -1
let loopAsync = (pos: number): Promise<void> => {
if (pos >= file.length) return Promise.resolve()
let size = file.length - pos
if (size > 1000) size = 1000
let upl = this.allocSystem(1 + size, 0x93, 0x1)
upl[6] = handle
U.memcpy(upl, 6 + 1, file, pos, size)
return this.talkAsync(upl, 8) // 8=EOF
.then(() => loopAsync(pos + size))
let begin = this.allocSystem(4 + path.length + 1, 0x92)
HF2.write32(begin, 6, file.length) // fileSize
U.memcpy(begin, 10, U.stringToUint8Array(path))
return this.lock.enqueue("file", () =>
.then(resp => {
handle = resp[7]
return loopAsync(0)
lsAsync(path: string): Promise<DirEntry[]> {
let lsReq = this.allocSystem(2 + path.length + 1, 0x99)
HF2.write16(lsReq, 6, 1024) // maxRead
U.memcpy(lsReq, 8, U.stringToUint8Array(path))
return this.talkAsync(lsReq, 8)
.then(resp =>
U.uint8ArrayToString(resp.slice(12)).split(/\n/).map(s => {
if (!s) return null as DirEntry
let m = /^([A-F0-9]+) ([A-F0-9]+) ([^\/]*)$/.exec(s)
if (m)
return {
md5: m[1],
size: parseInt(m[2], 16),
name: m[3]
return {
name: s.replace(/\/$/, "")
}).filter(v => !!v))
rmAsync(path: string): Promise<void> {
log(`rm ${path}`)
let rmReq = this.allocSystem(path.length + 1, 0x9c)
U.memcpy(rmReq, 6, U.stringToUint8Array(path))
return this.talkAsync(rmReq, 5)
.then(resp => { })
isVmAsync(): Promise<boolean> {
let path = "/no/such/dir"
let mkdirReq = this.allocSystem(path.length + 1, 0x9b)
U.memcpy(mkdirReq, 6, U.stringToUint8Array(path))
return this.talkAsync(mkdirReq, -1)
.then(resp => {
let isVM = resp[6] == 0x05
log(`${isVM ? "PXT app" : "VM"} running`)
return isVM
private streamFileOnceAsync(path: string, cb: (d: Uint8Array) => void) {
let fileSize = 0
let filePtr = 0
let handle = -1
let resp = (buf: Uint8Array): Promise<void> => {
if (buf[6] == 2) {
// handle not ready - file is missing
this.isStreaming = false
return Promise.resolve()
if (buf[6] != 0 && buf[6] != 8)
U.userError("bad response when streaming file: " + buf[6] + " " + U.toHex(buf))
this.isStreaming = true
fileSize = HF2.read32(buf, 7)
if (handle == -1) {
handle = buf[11]
log(`stream on, handle=${handle}`)
let data = buf.slice(12)
filePtr += data.length
if (data.length > 0)
if (buf[6] == 8) {
// end of file
this.isStreaming = false
return this.rmAsync(path)
let contFileReq = this.allocSystem(1 + 2, 0x97)
HF2.write16(contFileReq, 7, 1000) // maxRead
contFileReq[6] = handle
return Promise.delay(data.length > 0 ? 0 : 500)
.then(() => this.talkAsync(contFileReq, -1))
let getFileReq = this.allocSystem(2 + path.length + 1, 0x96)
HF2.write16(getFileReq, 6, 1000) // maxRead
U.memcpy(getFileReq, 8, U.stringToUint8Array(path))
return this.talkAsync(getFileReq, -1).then(resp)
streamFileAsync(path: string, cb: (d: Uint8Array) => void) {
let loop = (): Promise<void> =>
this.lock.enqueue("file", () =>
this.streamFileOnceAsync(path, cb))
.then(() => Promise.delay(500))
return loop()
downloadFileAsync(path: string, cb: (d: Uint8Array) => void) {
return this.lock.enqueue("file", () =>
this.streamFileOnceAsync(path, cb))
private initAsync() {
return Promise.resolve()
private resetState() {
reconnectAsync(first = false): Promise<void> {
if (first) return this.initAsync()
.then(() => this.initAsync())
disconnectAsync() {
@ -1977,15 +1977,6 @@
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@ -2437,7 +2428,8 @@
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@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
"dependencies": {
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"scripts": {
"test": "node node_modules/pxt-core/built/pxt.js travis"
@ -136,6 +136,7 @@
"hasAudio": true,
"usbHelp": [],
"extendEditor": true,
"extendFieldEditors": true,
"disableBlockIcons": true,
"blocklyOptions": {
"grid": {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user