updated build files
This commit is contained in:
@ -31,6 +31,22 @@
"Array.splice|param|deleteCount": "The number of elements to remove. eg: 0",
"Array.splice|param|start": "The zero-based location in the array from which to start removing elements. eg: 0",
"Array.unshift": "Add one element to the beginning of an array and return the new length of the array.",
"Boolean.toString": "Returns a string representation of an object.",
"Buffer.fill": "Fill (a fragment) of the buffer with given value.",
"Buffer.getNumber": "Read a number in specified format from the buffer.",
"Buffer.length": "Returns the length of a Buffer object.",
"Buffer.rotate": "Rotate buffer left in place.\n\n\n\nstart. eg: -1",
"Buffer.rotate|param|length": "number of elements in buffer. If negative, length is set as the buffer length minus",
"Buffer.rotate|param|offset": "number of bytes to shift; use negative value to shift right",
"Buffer.rotate|param|start": "start offset in buffer. Default is 0.",
"Buffer.setNumber": "Write a number in specified format in the buffer.",
"Buffer.shift": "Shift buffer left in place, with zero padding.\n\n\n\nstart. eg: -1",
"Buffer.shift|param|length": "number of elements in buffer. If negative, length is set as the buffer length minus",
"Buffer.shift|param|offset": "number of bytes to shift; use negative value to shift right",
"Buffer.shift|param|start": "start offset in buffer. Default is 0.",
"Buffer.slice": "Return a copy of a fragment of a buffer.",
"Buffer.toHex": "Convert a buffer to its hexadecimal representation.",
"Buffer.write": "Write contents of `src` at `dstOffset` in current buffer.",
"Math": "More complex operations with numbers.",
"Math.abs": "Returns the absolute value of a number (the value without regard to whether it is positive or negative).\nFor example, the absolute value of -5 is the same as the absolute value of 5.",
"Math.abs|param|x": "A numeric expression for which the absolute value is needed.",
@ -91,6 +107,7 @@
"Math.tan|param|x": "An angle in radians",
"Math.trunc": "Returns the number with the decimal part truncated.",
"Math.trunc|param|x": "A numeric expression.",
"Number.toString": "Returns a string representation of a number.",
"String": "Combine, split, and search text strings.\n\nCombine, split, and search text strings.",
"String.charAt": "Return the character at the specified index.",
"String.charAt|param|index": "The zero-based index of the desired character.",
@ -107,6 +124,8 @@
"String.substr|param|length": "number of characters to extract",
"String.substr|param|start": "first character index; can be negative from counting from the end, eg:0",
"control": "Program controls and events.",
"control.AnimationQueue.cancel": "Cancels the current running animation and clears the queue",
"control.AnimationQueue.runUntilDone": "Runs 'render' in a loop until it returns false or the 'stop' function is called",
"control.assert": "Display an error code and stop the program when the assertion is `false`.",
"control.deviceSerialNumber": "Derive a unique, consistent serial number of this device from internal data.",
"control.millis": "Gets the number of milliseconds elapsed since power on.",
@ -119,11 +138,13 @@
"control.waitForEvent": "Blocks the calling thread until the specified event is raised.",
"control.waitMicros": "Block the current fiber for the given microseconds",
"control.waitMicros|param|micros": "number of micro-seconds to wait. eg: 4",
"hex": "Tagged hex literal converter",
"loops.forever": "Repeats the code forever in the background. On each iteration, allows other codes to run.",
"loops.pause": "Pause for the specified time in milliseconds",
"loops.pause|param|ms": "how long to pause for, eg: 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000",
"loops.timePicker": "Get the time field editor",
"loops.timePicker|param|ms": "time duration in milliseconds, eg: 500, 1000",
"parseInt": "Convert a string to an integer.",
"serial": "Reading and writing data over a serial connection.",
"serial.writeBuffer": "Send a buffer across the serial connection.",
"serial.writeLine": "Write a line of text to the serial port.",
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
"loops.pause|block": "pause %ms=timePicker|ms",
"loops.timePicker|block": "%ms",
"loops|block": "loops",
"parseInt|block": "parse to integer %text",
"serial.writeBuffer|block": "serial|write buffer %buffer",
"serial.writeLine|block": "serial|write line %text",
"serial.writeNumber|block": "serial|write number %value",
@ -41,9 +42,13 @@
"serial|block": "serial",
"{id:category}Array": "Array",
"{id:category}Arrays": "Arrays",
"{id:category}Boolean": "Boolean",
"{id:category}Buffer": "Buffer",
"{id:category}Control": "Control",
"{id:category}Helpers": "Helpers",
"{id:category}Loops": "Loops",
"{id:category}Math": "Math",
"{id:category}Number": "Number",
"{id:category}Serial": "Serial",
"{id:category}String": "String",
"{id:category}Text": "Text"
@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ declare namespace loops {
* Repeats the code forever in the background. On each iteration, allows other codes to run.
* @param body code to execute
//% help=loops/forever weight=100
//% help=loops/forever weight=100 afterOnStart=true
//% blockId=forever block="forever" blockAllowMultiple=1 shim=loops::forever
function forever(a: () => void): void;
@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ declare namespace control {
* Run other code in the background.
//% help=control/run-in-background blockAllowMultiple=1
//% help=control/run-in-background blockAllowMultiple=1 afterOnStart=true
//% blockId="control_run_in_background" block="run in background" blockGap=8 shim=control::runInBackground
function runInBackground(a: () => void): void;
@ -1,4 +1,14 @@
"ButtonEvent": "User interaction on buttons",
"Draw": "Drawing modes",
"LightsPattern": "Patterns for lights under the buttons.",
"MMap.getNumber": "Read a number in specified format from the buffer.",
"MMap.ioctl": "Perform ioctl(2) on the underlaying file",
"MMap.length": "Returns the length of a Buffer object.",
"MMap.read": "Perform read(2) on the underlaying file",
"MMap.setNumber": "Write a number in specified format in the buffer.",
"MMap.slice": "Read a range of bytes into a buffer.",
"MMap.write": "Perform write(2) on the underlaying file",
"control": "Program controls and events.",
"control.allocateNotifyEvent": "Allocates the next user notification event",
"control.deviceFirmwareVersion": "Determine the version of system software currently running.",
@ -9,6 +19,14 @@
"control.raiseEvent|param|value": "Component specific code indicating the cause of the event.",
"input": "Respond to and read data from buttons and sensors.",
"input.Button": "Generic button class, for device buttons and sensors.",
"input.Button.isPressed": "Check if button is currently pressed or not.",
"input.Button.onEvent": "Do something when a button or sensor is clicked, double clicked, etc...",
"input.Button.onEvent|param|body": "code to run when the event is raised",
"input.Button.wasPressed": "See if the button was pressed again since the last time you checked.",
"input.ColorSensor.getAmbientLight": "Get current ambient light value from the color sensor.",
"input.ColorSensor.getColor": "Get the current color from the color sensor.",
"input.ColorSensor.getReflectedLight": "Get current reflected light value from the color sensor.",
"input.UltraSonicSensor.getDistance": "Get distance in mm",
"input.buttonDown": "Down button.",
"input.buttonEnter": "Enter button.",
"input.buttonLeft": "Left button.",
@ -33,10 +51,6 @@
"output.setSpeed": "Set motor speed.",
"output.setSpeed|param|out": "the output connection that the motor is connected to",
"output.setSpeed|param|speed": "the desired speed to use. eg: 100",
"output.start": "Turn motor on.",
"output.start|param|out": "the output connection that the motor is connected to",
"output.stop": "Turn motor off.",
"output.stop|param|out": "the output connection that the motor is connected to",
"output.switchMotor": "Switch the motor on or off.",
"output.switchMotor|param|on": "1 to turn the motor on, 0 to turn it off",
"output.switchMotor|param|out": "the output connection that the motor is connected to",
@ -15,24 +15,30 @@
"LightsPattern.Red|block": "Red",
"control.raiseEvent|block": "raise event|from %src|with value %value",
"control|block": "control",
"input.Button.isPressed|block": "%button|is pressed",
"input.Button.onEvent|block": "on %button|%event",
"input.Button.wasPressed|block": "%button|was pressed",
"input.ColorSensor.getAmbientLight|block": "%color| ambient light",
"input.ColorSensor.getColor|block": "%color| color",
"input.ColorSensor.getReflectedLight|block": "%color| reflected light",
"input.buttonDown|block": "button down",
"input.buttonEnter|block": "button enter",
"input.buttonLeft|block": "button left",
"input.buttonRight|block": "button right",
"input.buttonUp|block": "button up",
"input.color|block": "color sensor",
"input.remoteBottomLeft|block": "remote bottom-left",
"input.remoteBottomRight|block": "remote bottom-right",
"input.remoteCenter|block": "remote center",
"input.remoteTopLeft|block": "remote top-left",
"input.remoteTopRight|block": "remote top-right",
"input.touchSensor|block": "touch sensor",
"input|block": "input",
"output.getCurrentSpeed|block": "motor %out|speed",
"output.getPattern|block": "%pattern",
"output.setLights|block": "set status light %pattern=led_pattern",
"output.setPower|block": "set motor %out| power to %power",
"output.setSpeed|block": "set motor %out| speed to %speed",
"output.start|block": "turn motor %out|on",
"output.stop|block": "turn motor %out|off",
"output.switchMotor|block": "turn motor %out|%on",
"output.turn|block": "turn motor %out| on for %ms|milliseconds",
"output|block": "output",
@ -41,6 +47,7 @@
"serial|block": "serial",
"{id:category}Control": "Control",
"{id:category}Input": "Input",
"{id:category}MMap": "MMap",
"{id:category}Output": "Output",
"{id:category}Screen": "Screen",
"{id:category}Serial": "Serial",
@ -8,15 +8,15 @@
"music.noteFrequency|param|name": "the note name, eg: Note.C",
"music.playSound": "Start playing a sound and don't wait for it to finish.\nNotes are expressed as a string of characters with this format: NOTE[octave][:duration]",
"music.playSoundUntilDone": "Play a sound and wait until the sound is done.\nNotes are expressed as a string of characters with this format: NOTE[octave][:duration]",
"music.playSoundUntilDone|param|sound": "the melody to play, eg: 'g5:1'",
"music.playSound|param|sound": "the melody to play, eg: 'g5:1'",
"music.playSoundUntilDone|param|sound": "the melody to play, eg: music.sounds(Sounds.PowerUp)",
"music.playSound|param|sound": "the melody to play, eg: music.sounds(Sounds.PowerUp)",
"music.playTone": "Play a tone through the speaker for some amount of time.",
"music.playTone|param|frequency": "pitch of the tone to play in Hertz (Hz)",
"music.playTone|param|ms": "tone duration in milliseconds (ms)",
"music.rest": "Rest, or play silence, for some time (in milleseconds).",
"music.rest|param|ms": "rest duration in milliseconds (ms)",
"music.rest|param|ms": "rest duration in milliseconds (ms), eg: 100",
"music.ringTone": "Play a tone.",
"music.ringTone|param|frequency": "pitch of the tone to play in Hertz (Hz)",
"music.ringTone|param|frequency": "pitch of the tone to play in Hertz (Hz), eg: Note.C",
"music.setTempo": "Set the tempo a number of beats per minute (bpm).",
"music.setTempo|param|bpm": "The new tempo in beats per minute, eg: 120",
"music.setVolume": "Set the output volume of the sound synthesizer.",
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ namespace pxsim {
export class DalBoard extends CoreBoard implements
// LightBoard,
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ namespace pxsim {
CapTouchBoard {
// state & update logic for component services
neopixelState: CommonNeoPixelState;
// neopixelState: CommonNeoPixelState;
buttonState: EV3ButtonState;
slideSwitchState: SlideSwitchState;
lightSensorState: AnalogSensorState;
@ -175,9 +175,9 @@ namespace pxsim {
return svg.toDataUri(new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(this.view));
defaultNeopixelPin() {
return this.edgeConnectorState.getPin(CPlayPinName.D8);
//defaultNeopixelPin() {
// return this.edgeConnectorState.getPin(CPlayPinName.D8);
getDefaultPitchPin() {
return this.edgeConnectorState.getPin(CPlayPinName.D6);
@ -480,6 +480,7 @@ namespace pxsim.visuals {
this.screenCanvasCtx.putImageData(this.screenCanvasData, 0, 0);
private updateNeoPixels() {
let state = this.board;
if (!state || !state.neopixelState) return;
@ -509,6 +510,7 @@ namespace pxsim.visuals {
if (p_inner) svg.filter(p_inner, `url(#neopixelglow)`);
private updateSound() {
let state = this.board;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user