bring back the shims
This commit is contained in:
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// Auto-generated. Do not edit.
declare const enum NumberFormat {
Int8LE = 1,
UInt8LE = 2,
Int16LE = 3,
UInt16LE = 4,
Int32LE = 5,
Int8BE = 6,
UInt8BE = 7,
Int16BE = 8,
UInt16BE = 9,
Int32BE = 10,
UInt32LE = 11,
UInt32BE = 12,
Float32LE = 13,
Float64LE = 14,
Float32BE = 15,
Float64BE = 16,
declare const enum ValType {
Undefined = 0,
Boolean = 1,
Number = 2,
String = 3,
Object = 4,
Function = 5,
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Normal file
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// Auto-generated. Do not edit.
//% indexerGet=BufferMethods::getByte indexerSet=BufferMethods::setByte
declare interface Buffer {
* Write a number in specified format in the buffer.
//% shim=BufferMethods::setNumber
setNumber(format: NumberFormat, offset: int32, value: number): void;
* Read a number in specified format from the buffer.
//% shim=BufferMethods::getNumber
getNumber(format: NumberFormat, offset: int32): number;
/** Returns the length of a Buffer object. */
//% property shim=BufferMethods::length
length: int32;
* Fill (a fragment) of the buffer with given value.
//% offset.defl=0 length.defl=-1 shim=BufferMethods::fill
fill(value: int32, offset?: int32, length?: int32): void;
* Return a copy of a fragment of a buffer.
//% offset.defl=0 length.defl=-1 shim=BufferMethods::slice
slice(offset?: int32, length?: int32): Buffer;
* Shift buffer left in place, with zero padding.
* @param offset number of bytes to shift; use negative value to shift right
* @param start start offset in buffer. Default is 0.
* @param length number of elements in buffer. If negative, length is set as the buffer length minus
* start. eg: -1
//% start.defl=0 length.defl=-1 shim=BufferMethods::shift
shift(offset: int32, start?: int32, length?: int32): void;
* Convert a buffer to its hexadecimal representation.
//% shim=BufferMethods::toHex
toHex(): string;
* Rotate buffer left in place.
* @param offset number of bytes to shift; use negative value to shift right
* @param start start offset in buffer. Default is 0.
* @param length number of elements in buffer. If negative, length is set as the buffer length minus
* start. eg: -1
//% start.defl=0 length.defl=-1 shim=BufferMethods::rotate
rotate(offset: int32, start?: int32, length?: int32): void;
* Write contents of `src` at `dstOffset` in current buffer.
//% shim=BufferMethods::write
write(dstOffset: int32, src: Buffer): void;
declare namespace loops {
* Repeats the code forever in the background. On each iteration, allows other codes to run.
* @param body code to execute
//% help=loops/forever weight=100 afterOnStart=true
//% blockId=forever block="forever" blockAllowMultiple=1 shim=loops::forever
function forever(a: () => void): void;
* Pause for the specified time in milliseconds
* @param ms how long to pause for, eg: 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000
//% help=loops/pause weight=99
//% async block="pause %pause=timePicker|ms"
//% blockId=device_pause shim=loops::pause
function pause(ms: int32): void;
declare namespace control {
* Gets the number of milliseconds elapsed since power on.
//% help=control/millis weight=50
//% blockId=control_running_time block="millis (ms)" shim=control::millis
function millis(): int32;
* Run code when a registered event happens.
* @param id the event compoent id
* @param value the event value to match
//% weight=20 blockGap=8 blockId="control_on_event" block="on event|from %src|with value %value"
//% blockExternalInputs=1
//% help="control/on-event" flags.defl=16 shim=control::onEvent
function onEvent(src: int32, value: int32, handler: () => void, flags?: int32): void;
* Reset the device.
//% weight=30 async help=control/reset blockGap=8
//% blockId="control_reset" block="reset" shim=control::reset
function reset(): void;
* Block the current fiber for the given microseconds
* @param micros number of micro-seconds to wait. eg: 4
//% help=control/wait-micros weight=29 async
//% blockId="control_wait_us" block="wait (µs)%micros" shim=control::waitMicros
function waitMicros(micros: int32): void;
* Run other code in the parallel.
//% help=control/run-in-parallel handlerStatement=1
//% blockId="control_run_in_parallel" block="run in parallel" blockGap=8 shim=control::runInParallel
function runInParallel(a: () => void): void;
* Blocks the calling thread until the specified event is raised.
//% help=control/wait-for-event async
//% blockId=control_wait_for_event block="wait for event|from %src|with value %value" shim=control::waitForEvent
function waitForEvent(src: int32, value: int32): void;
* Derive a unique, consistent serial number of this device from internal data.
//% blockId="control_device_serial_number" block="device serial number" weight=9
//% help=control/device-serial-number shim=control::deviceSerialNumber
function deviceSerialNumber(): int32;
declare namespace serial {
* Write some text to the serial port.
//% help=serial/write-string
//% weight=87 blockHidden=true
//% blockId=serial_writestring block="serial|write string %text" shim=serial::writeString
function writeString(text: string): void;
* Send a buffer across the serial connection.
//% help=serial/write-buffer weight=6 blockHidden=true
//% blockId=serial_writebuffer block="serial|write buffer %buffer" shim=serial::writeBuffer
function writeBuffer(buffer: Buffer): void;
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Normal file
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// Auto-generated. Do not edit.
* Mode for lseek()
declare const enum SeekWhence {
Set = 0,
Current = 1,
End = 2,
* Drawing modes
declare const enum Draw {
Normal = 0x00,
Clear = 0x01,
Xor = 0x02,
Fill = 0x04,
Transparent = 0x08,
Double = 0x10,
Quad = 0x20,
// Auto-generated. Do not edit. Really.
Normal file
Normal file
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// Auto-generated. Do not edit.
declare namespace control {
/** Create new file mapping in memory */
//% shim=control::mmap
function mmap(filename: string, size: int32, offset: int32): MMap;
declare interface MMap {
* Write a number in specified format in the buffer.
//% shim=MMapMethods::setNumber
setNumber(format: NumberFormat, offset: int32, value: number): void;
* Read a number in specified format from the buffer.
//% shim=MMapMethods::getNumber
getNumber(format: NumberFormat, offset: int32): number;
* Read a range of bytes into a buffer.
//% offset.defl=0 length.defl=-1 shim=MMapMethods::slice
slice(offset?: int32, length?: int32): Buffer;
/** Returns the length of a Buffer object. */
//% property shim=MMapMethods::length
length: int32;
/** Perform ioctl(2) on the underlaying file */
//% shim=MMapMethods::ioctl
ioctl(id: uint32, data: Buffer): int32;
/** Perform write(2) on the underlaying file */
//% shim=MMapMethods::write
write(data: Buffer): int32;
/** Perform read(2) on the underlaying file */
//% shim=MMapMethods::read
read(data: Buffer): int32;
/** Set pointer on the underlaying file. */
//% shim=MMapMethods::lseek
lseek(offset: int32, whence: SeekWhence): int32;
declare namespace control {
* Announce that an event happened to registered handlers.
* @param src ID of the Component that generated the event
* @param value Component specific code indicating the cause of the event.
* @param mode optional definition of how the event should be processed after construction.
//% weight=21 blockGap=12 blockId="control_raise_event"
//% block="raise event|from %src|with value %value" blockExternalInputs=1 shim=control::raiseEvent
function raiseEvent(src: int32, value: int32): void;
* Allocates the next user notification event
//% help=control/allocate-notify-event shim=control::allocateNotifyEvent
function allocateNotifyEvent(): int32;
/** Write data to DMESG debugging buffer. */
//% shim=control::dmesg
function dmesg(s: string): void;
declare namespace serial {
/** Send DMESG debug buffer over serial. */
//% shim=serial::writeDmesg
function writeDmesg(): void;
declare namespace screen {
/** Decompresses a 1-bit gray scale PNG image to image format. */
//% shim=screen::unpackPNG
function unpackPNG(png: Buffer): Image;
declare namespace screen {
/** Clear screen and reset font to normal. */
//% shim=screen::clear
function clear(): void;
/** Makes an image bound to a buffer. */
//% shim=screen::imageOf
function imageOf(buf: Buffer): Image;
//% fixedInstances
declare interface Image {
/** Returns the underlaying Buffer object. */
//% property shim=ImageMethods::buffer
buffer: Buffer;
/** Returns the width of an image. */
//% property shim=ImageMethods::width
width: int32;
/** Returns the height of an image. */
//% property shim=ImageMethods::height
height: int32;
/** Double size of an image. */
//% shim=ImageMethods::doubled
doubled(): Image;
/** Draw an image on the screen. */
//% shim=ImageMethods::draw
draw(x: int32, y: int32, mode: Draw): void;
declare namespace output {
* Create a new zero-initialized buffer.
* @param size number of bytes in the buffer
//% shim=output::createBuffer
function createBuffer(size: int32): Buffer;
declare namespace motors {
* Mark a motor as used
//% shim=motors::__motorUsed
function __motorUsed(port: int32, large: boolean): void;
declare namespace sensors {
* Mark a sensor as used
//% shim=sensors::__sensorUsed
function __sensorUsed(port: int32, type: int32): void;
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Normal file
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// Auto-generated. Do not edit.
declare namespace music {
* Set the output volume of the sound synthesizer.
* @param volume the volume 0...100, eg: 50
//% weight=96
//% blockId=synth_set_volume block="set volume %volume"
//% parts="speaker" blockGap=8
//% volume.min=0 volume.max=100
//% help=music/set-volume
//% weight=1 shim=music::setVolume
function setVolume(volume: int32): void;
* Play a tone through the speaker for some amount of time.
* @param frequency pitch of the tone to play in Hertz (Hz)
* @param ms tone duration in milliseconds (ms)
//% help=music/play-tone
//% blockId=music_play_note block="play tone|at %note=device_note|for %duration=device_beat"
//% parts="headphone" async
//% blockNamespace=music
//% weight=76 blockGap=8 shim=music::playTone
function playTone(frequency: int32, ms: int32): void;
* Play a tone through the speaker for some amount of time.
//% help=music/stop-all-sounds
//% blockId=music_stop_all_sounds block="stop all sounds"
//% parts="headphone"
//% blockNamespace=music
//% weight=97 shim=music::stopAllSounds
function stopAllSounds(): void;
/** Makes a sound bound to a buffer in WAV format. */
//% shim=music::fromWAV
function fromWAV(buf: Buffer): Sound;
//% fixedInstances
declare interface Sound {
/** Returns the underlaying Buffer object. */
//% property shim=SoundMethods::buffer
buffer: Buffer;
/** Play sound. */
//% promise shim=SoundMethods::play
play(): void;
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Normal file
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// Auto-generated. Do not edit.
declare namespace storage {
/** Will be moved. */
//% shim=storage::__stringToBuffer
function __stringToBuffer(s: string): Buffer;
/** Will be moved. */
//% shim=storage::__bufferToString
function __bufferToString(s: Buffer): string;
/** Create named directory. */
//% shim=storage::__mkdir
function __mkdir(filename: string): void;
// Auto-generated. Do not edit. Really.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user