display charts correctly even when invalid min/max values are present
This commit is contained in:
@ -90,6 +90,44 @@ class Channel < ActiveRecord::Base
cattr_reader :per_page
@@per_page = 15
# access a last value by string: channel_1417_field_1
def self.value_from_string(channel_string, user)
# remove % from the string and create the array
channel_array = channel_string.gsub('%', '').split('_')
# exit if the string doesn't have 4 parts
return nil if channel_array.length != 4
# get the channel
channel = Channel.find(channel_array[1])
# exit if the channel is not public or not owned by the user
return nil if !(channel.public_flag? || channel.user_id == user.try(:id))
# get the field id
field_id = channel_array[3].to_i
# get the feed
# add a timeout since this query may be really long if there is a lot of data,
# but the last instance of the field is very far back
Timeout.timeout(5, Timeout::Error) do
# look for a feed where the value isn't null
@feed = Feed.where(:channel_id => channel.id)
.where("field? is not null", field_id)
.select("entry_id, field#{field_id}")
.order('entry_id desc')
rescue Timeout::Error
# no feed found
return nil if @feed.blank?
# return the feed value
return @feed["field#{field_id}"]
# search for public channels within a certain distance from the origin
# requires latitude, longitude, and distance to be present as options keys
# distance is in kilometers
@ -96,13 +96,19 @@
<div class="helplink">(<a href="/docs/react"><%= t(:help_options) %></a>)</div>
<%= t(:help_apps_react) %>
<%= t(:talkback) %>
<div class="helplink">(<a href="/docs/talkback"><%= t(:help_options) %></a>)</div>
<%= t(:help_apps_talkback) %>
<%= t(:timecontrol) %>
<div class="helplink">(<a href="/docs/timecontrol"><%= t(:help_options) %></a>)</div>
<%= t(:help_apps_timecontrol) %>
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
// add location if possible
if (this.location) { p.name = this.location; }
// if a numerical value exists add it
if (!isNaN(parseInt(v))<% if params[:max] %> && p.y <= <%= params[:max]%><% end %><% if params[:min] %> && p.y >= <%= params[:min]%><% end %>) { chartData.push(p); }
if (!isNaN(parseInt(v))<% if params[:max].present? && Feed.numeric?(params[:max]) %> && p.y <= <%= params[:max] %><% end %><% if params[:min].present? && Feed.numeric?(params[:max]) %> && p.y >= <%= params[:min] %><% end %>) { chartData.push(p); }
// specify the chart options
@ -97,7 +97,7 @@
shift = true ;
// if a numerical value exists and it is a new date, add it
if (!isNaN(parseInt(v)) && (p.x != last_date)<% if params[:max] %> && p.y <= <%= params[:max]%><% end %><% if params[:min] %> && p.y >= <%= params[:min]%><% end %>) {
if (!isNaN(parseInt(v)) && (p.x != last_date)<% if params[:max].present? && Feed.numeric?(params[:max]) %> && p.y <= <%= params[:max] %><% end %><% if params[:min].present? && Feed.numeric?(params[:min]) %> && p.y >= <%= params[:min] %><% end %>) {
dynamicChart.series[0].addPoint(p, true, shift);
else {
@ -420,6 +420,7 @@ en:
help_apps_talkback: "Allow devices to execute queued commands."
help_apps_thinghttp: "Create custom POSTs or GETs to other webservices and retrieve the data."
help_apps_thingtweet: "Link your Twitter account to ThingSpeak and send Twitter messages using our simple API."
help_apps_timecontrol: "Automatically perform ThingHTTP requests at predetermined times."
help_apps_tweetcontrol: "Listen to commands from Twitter and then perform an action."
help_apps_react: "Perform actions when conditions are met by your data in your channels."
help_channel: "Create a channel -- it can be for a device, app, or anything that can send data to ThingSpeak."
@ -459,6 +460,7 @@ en:
help_thinghttp_show: "You can now send your ThingHTTP request and view the response using the following URL:"
help_thingtweet: "ThingTweet acts as a proxy to Twitter so that your devices can update Twitter statuses without having to implement Open Authentication (OAuth)."
help_timecontrol_index: "Create a TimeControl to automatically execute ThingHTTP requests at predetermined times."
help_timecontrol_show: "Your TimeControl will be automatically executed at the indicated time."
help_tweetcontrol: "Use TweetControl to listen to specific trigger words from Twitter, and then process a ThingHTTP request."
help_tweetcontrol_edit: "Select Anonymous TweetControl to allow anyone to trigger your TweetControl or fill in a specfic Twitter Account (don't include the '@' sign)."
help_tweetcontrol_hashtag: "To trigger a TweetControl, you need to send a Twitter Status Update with at least the hashtag #thingspeak and the trigger word, for example:"
@ -146,5 +146,34 @@ describe Channel do
Channel.location_search({latitude: 30.8, longitude: 30.2, distance: 100}).count.should eq(0)
describe 'value_from_string' do
before :each do
@user = FactoryGirl.create(:user)
@channel = FactoryGirl.create(:channel, public_flag: false, user_id: @user.id)
@feed = FactoryGirl.create(:feed, field1: 7, channel_id: @channel.id)
it 'should get the last value correctly' do
Channel.value_from_string("channel_#{@channel.id}_field_1", @user).should eq('7')
it 'has an incorrect user' do
Channel.value_from_string("channel_#{@channel.id}_field_1", nil).should eq(nil)
it 'has an incorrect user, but channel is public' do
@channel.update_column(:public_flag, true)
Channel.value_from_string("channel_#{@channel.id}_field_1", nil).should eq('7')
it 'has an incorrect string' do
Channel.value_from_string("channel_#{@channel.id}_field", @user).should eq(nil)
it 'has an incorrect field' do
Channel.value_from_string("channel_#{@channel.id}_field_8", @user).should eq(nil)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user