4.5 KiB
Rock Paper Scissors
Introduction @unplugged
Use the accelerometer and the screen to build a Rock Paper Scissors game that you can play with your friends!
Step 1 @fullscreen
Add a ||input:on shake||
block to run code when when you shake the @boardname@.
input.onGesture(Gesture.Shake, () => {
Step 2 @fullscreen
Add a hand
variable and place the ||variables:set hand to||
block in the shake event.
Step 3 @fullscreen
Add a ||math:pick random||
block to pick a random number from 1
to 3
and store it in the variable named hand
let hand = 0;
input.onGesture(Gesture.Shake, () => {
hand = Math.randomRange(1, 3)
In a later step, each of the possible numbers (1
, 2
, or 3
) is matched to its own picture. The picture is shown on the LEDs when its matching number is picked.
Step 4 @fullscreen
Place an ||logic:if||
block under the ||math:pick random||
and check whether hand
is equal to 1
. Add a ||basic:show leds||
block that shows a picture of a piece of paper. The number 1
will mean paper.
let hand = 0;
input.onGesture(Gesture.Shake, () => {
hand = Math.randomRange(1, 3)
if (hand == 1) {
# # # # #
# . . . #
# . . . #
# . . . #
# # # # #
Step 5 @fullscreen
Click on the SHAKE button in the simulator. If you try enough times, you should see a picture of paper on the screen.
Step 6 @fullscreen
Click the (+) button to add an ||logic:else||
let hand = 0;
input.onGesture(Gesture.Shake, () => {
hand = Math.randomRange(1, 3)
if (hand == 1) {
# # # # #
# . . . #
# . . . #
# . . . #
# # # # #
} else {
Step 7 @fullscreen
Add a ||basic:show leds||
block inside the ||logic:else||
. Make a picture of a scissors in the LEDs.
let hand = 0;
input.onGesture(Gesture.Shake, () => {
hand = Math.randomRange(1, 3)
if (hand == 1) {
# # # # #
# . . . #
# . . . #
# . . . #
# # # # #
} else {
# # . . #
# # . # .
. . # . .
# # . # .
# # . . #
Step 8 @fullscreen
Click the +
button again to add an ||logic:else if||
section. Now, add a conditional block for ||logic:hand = 2||
to the condition in ||logic:else if||
. Since hand
can only be 1
, 2
, or 3
, your code is covering all possible cases!
Step 9 @fullscreen
Get one more ||basic:show leds||
block and put it in the ||logic:else if||
. Make a picture of a rock in the LEDs.
let hand = 0;
input.onGesture(Gesture.Shake, () => {
hand = Math.randomRange(1, 3)
if (hand == 1) {
# # # # #
# . . . #
# . . . #
# . . . #
# # # # #
} else if (hand == 2) {
. . . . .
. # # # .
. # # # .
. # # # .
. . . . .
} else {
# # . . #
# # . # .
. . # . .
# # . # .
# # . . #
Step 10 @fullscreen
Click on the SHAKE button in the simulator and check to see that each image is showing up.
Step 11 @fullscreen
If you have a @boardname@, click on |Download|
and follow the instructions to get the code
onto your @boardname@. Your game is ready! Gather your friends and play Rock Paper Scissors!